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Npm commands (scripts)

Npm scripts help with performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc. The Around build system consists of a variety of JavaScript files, each performing specific tasks, and associated Npm scripts that execute these files.

The list of available Npm commands (scripts)
Command Description
npm install This command is used to install Node.js packages and their dependencies in a project. The dependencies are listed in a "package.json" file in the project's root directory, under the "dependencies" and "devDependencies" sections.
npm run dev Builds and minifies styles and scripts, copies vendor files from the node_modules directory to the assets/vendor folder, initiates a watch process to detect files changes, and starts a local development server with hot reloading. This is the primary command to utilize when customizing the template.
npm run build Builds both expanded and minified versions of styles and scripts, copies vendor files from the node_modules directory to the assets/vendor folder, and runs HTML validation checks.
npm run styles:expanded Runs a script to generate expanded theme.css styles and theme.css.map (assets/css) from source .scss files (src/scss).
npm run styles:minified Runs a script to generate minified theme.min.css styles and theme.min.css.map (assets/css) from source .scss files (src/scss).
npm run scripts:expanded Runs a script to generate expanded theme.js scripts and theme.js.map (assets/js) from source .js files (src/js).
npm run scripts:minified Runs a script to generate minified theme.min.js styles and theme.min.js.map (assets/js) from source .js files (src/js).
npm run icon-font Executes a script that creates the font around-icons.woff2 file and generates the corresponding around-icons.min.css file from the collection of .svg icons found in the src/icons directory.
npm run vendor Copies vendor files listed under "dependencies" section in package.json file from the node_modules directory to the assets/vendor folder.
npm run validate Executes validation checks on all .html files, ensuring compliance with W3C markup validity rules. This process utilizes the HTML-validate plugin, which is configured through the .htmlvalidate.json file.
npm run watch Initiates a watch process to monitor changes in .css, .js, and .html files, simultaneously launching a local development server equipped with hot reloading, powered by Browsersync.